Do You Believe There Is Only Love? By the Celestial White Beings
Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings.
Your Divinity in Action by Archangel Metatron
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron.
Love of Generations by Archangel Metatron
Greetings, beloved beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron.
Balancing the Past by Quan Yin
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Lady Quan Yin, it is an honour to be in your presence today.
Your Magnificent Self by Sanat Kumara
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Sanat Kumara.
Reseeding Your Soul’s Mission by Sanat Kumara
Greetings beloved ones, I am Sanat Kumara.
Accessing Your Inner Silence by Saint Germain
Greetings, beloved beings of light.
Time Capsules for Awakening by Lord Merlin
It is an honour, it is a great honour that I am able to come forward and to share wisdom and guidance to support your own spiritual evolution.
Confirming Your Existence by Archangel Metatron
Confirming Your Existence by Archangel Metatron the Ascension shifts and the light transmissions from the Creator The energy coming forth is extremely grounding
Presence: The Next Initiation by Archangel Michael
Presence: The Next Initiation by Archangel Michael. This energy we label presence, it is your presence, it is the Creator present within your being