Creator Guided Attunements

OmNa Sanctuary: Creator Guided Attunements

Do you long to tune into the most sacred Creator vibration available to you?

Would you love to experience channeling from the Creator guiding you in sacred practices to evolve your spiritual path?

Do you yearn for an upgrade in your energy vibration, spiritual evolution and connection with the Creator that is born from your inner truth?

If you have been journeying your spiritual path for a while you may hunger to be guided by the Creator, to experience advanced activations overseen by the Creator and to feel like the Creator is working intimately with you.

I am offering a unique 4 session experience where I will bring forth the CREATOR through my channel to share sacred wisdom, meditation practices, attunements and everything the Creator believes you need and require for your ascension now. The Creator will be supported by ARCHANGEL METATRON who will share inspiration and guidance to further support your connection and experience of the Creator. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn new sacred practices that will empower your full body/being experience of the Creator as well as boost your ascension and further you spiritually awakening.

Join me in beautiful ceremonies to attune your entire being to the Creator with the purpose of accelerating your ascension, empowering your connection with the Creator and receiving pure impactful healings which ripple into your full existence. These sacred attunements prepared and gifted by the Creator are designed to bring more light, love and truth into your being helping you to relax into a deeper relationship with the Creator and yourself.

Whatever you are currently experiencing the Creator is waiting to personally work with you, bringing balance, guidance and new insights to your existence.

How it Works:

You will receive links to gather online at a time that suits you, with Natalie Glasson channeling the Creator and Archangel Metatron.

Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations, practices and inner exploration.

INVESTMENT DONATION: £40 for all 4 Sessions

Minimum donation for the 4 session course is £40, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum over £40. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.

The Creator’s Ashram – Embodiment and Exploration of the Highest Vibration

OmNa Sanctuary: The Creator’s Ashram - Embodiment and Exploration of the Highest Vibration

Have you noticed that your vibration is off, especially given everything that’s happening in the world?

It can be very difficult to stay in alignment when things are so hard.

That’s why I’m offering a 4 session program designed to help you explore and embody the highest vibration as inspired by the Ascended Masters and Star Beings that I channel. We will create an inner sanctuary that I call The Creator’s Ashram so you can immerse yourself in the highest vibrations, light and wisdom.

You will be guided to heal old spiritual wounds and develop a new inspirational and empowering relationship with the Creator. This is an opportunity to experience, create and explore a new intimate relationship and co-creation with the Creator while bringing forth a healing that spans all dimensions of your being. As you bathe in the Creator’s Ashram you will access your Earthly needs, gain enlightenment and achieve fulfillment.

Is it time for you to access the power of the Creator so you can easily tune yourself to the higher vibrations and learn how to embody the qualities of the divine?

Join me as I channel Light Beings that reveal the purity, truth, transformation and remembrance of the Creator. In our 4 session journey, you will discover your core, truth and essence in the presence of the Creator and become aligned with your greater purpose.

How it Works:

You will receive links to gather online at a time that suits you, with Natalie Glasson channeling the VENUS BEINGS and MASTER YESHUA.

Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations, practices and inner exploration.

INVESTMENT DONATION: £40 for all 4 Sessions

Minimum donation for the 4 session course is £40, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum over £40. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.

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