Awakening Ascension Within by Archangel Zadkiel

Gain profound insights into spiritual ascension and growth
Greetings, I am Archangel Zadkiel. I bring forth the light of the Creator, like a sun, beaming warmly upon your being. Allow yourself to bathe in this Creator light as it flows through me to you, knowing that the same energy of light, like a sun, awakens within your own being and has been, and is, eternally present.
Today I, Archangel Zadkiel, come forth to support you in awakening your ascension; the ascension process occurring within your being.
It is important to realise that you have already achieved your ascension process. Each step and stage is recorded within your being; your spiritual growth and your return to the Creator. It is all present within your being.
It is, in many ways, for you to access this energy, to bring it forth, as if it is a video that you are watching for the very first time, except that this video allows you to experience it as well.
When we begin to recognise that your ascension process is complete, within your being, and that it is simply a matter of expressing that energy into your body/auric field and your surroundings, as well as the people and situations around you, then ascension becomes extremely enjoyable/easy and you are able to recognise the direction in which you are moving, in order to bring this complete ascension into manifestation for you to truly experience.
It is at this moment that you can recognise that your ascension process is actually about expressing the energies within your being – the sacred spiritual energies – bringing them to the forefront of your mind/awareness/body/auric field allowing yourselves, your bones, to embody this ascension energy – this complete ascension energy.
With this awareness, you recognise that your daily practices, as you go about your reality, can be focused upon expressing your complete ascension and experiencing that ascension in your reality – your daily life – therefore, it is not so much about completing practices, overcoming challenges or even accessing spiritual tools.
You become proficient in the process of expression – radiating your light from all chakras/your heart centre/soul/ soul group and the Creator within your being, into your body/auric field and surroundings, into your intentions and your thoughts, into your eyes so that your eyes express your light, into your voice/words, into your movements – the way that you touch, the way that you walk – it all holds this expression. You become an expressive radiator of the light of the Creator; your inner complete ascension.
Your inner complete ascension is like a roadmap or a template. It has certain qualities to be embodied and certain experiences to be recognised that create a unique synthesis of qualities – an understanding or inner knowingness – that allows you to experience a deeper more profound, fulfilling connection with the Creator – the essence of the Creator existing within your being – the oneness of all things.
Your breath carries the light into your being and also into your surroundings. Your breath is your greatest most powerful activator. Breathing deeply and powerfully, with intention, activates your light – radiates your light – and supports your cells/bones/auric field in opening to receive.
Your simple awareness upon your ascension within supports it in activating. Allowing yourself to rest after a simple intention allows you to fully absorb the ascension awakening, activation and its integration into your entire being.
There is one thing that is always needed with activations and awakening and that is awareness – awareness of what is occurring. This does not mean understanding, nor does it even mean remembrance. It does mean observing – observing the truth as it emerges – without judgment and without trying to guide it in a certain way.
I, Archangel Zadkiel, invite you to my ashram on the inner planes. Go to the Crystalline Fire Chamber. You need only hold an intention of going to Archangel Zadkiel’s Crystalline Fire Temple or ashram.
As you enter, whether you are aware of it or not, there is a violet purple flame which you can step into. As you step into this fire, you notice that there are crystals all surrounding you. It’s as if the fire is made of crystals – purple violet crystals with golden and rainbow light.
This is a space where you can sit breathing, radiating your complete ascension. It will support in clearing away the blockages, the stagnant energy and the stuck vibrations, that are no longer needed, while ensuring that the energy of your complete ascension is embedded deep within all aspects and levels of your being.
For a complete and absolute embodiment, you can allow yourself to rest and breathe with intention in this space, for as long as feels appropriate. It is a space to serve you.
I, Archangel Zadkiel, am always present to assist, to nurture and to love you.
I thank you.

I am Archangel Zadkiel

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