You Are Supported by Master Sananda

Greetings, my love and light extend to you through all channels. My peace is expressed through all aspects of the Creator to you and my love, through action, is shared with you. I connect with your being through all ways and forms.
I am present to share my love with you; my light/peace/truth and my wisdom. This is the same for all beings of light within the Universe of the Creator and upon the earth. We are present to support you. The Creator loves you unconditionally and wishes for you to be happy, to enjoy your reality upon the earth, and to experience fulfilment and success.
The Creator wishes for you to experience oneness, oneness with all that is the Creator; truth – the truth that is within your being.
The Creator wishes for you to experience the wisdom that is within your being, and the most tender, unconditional and generous love that is within your being.
The Creator wishes for you to experience prosperity and abundance in all its forms.
The Creator wishes for you to be safe and protected in all manners and all ways. You are safe in this moment. You are supported and you are loved.
In your reality you may feel that your experiences are completely opposite to that which I am speaking. You may not feel protected or loved. You may not be experiencing success/fulfillment/joy/happiness. You may even feel that you are walking through madness, chaos or hell.
There are two realities and this has nothing to do with dimensions. It has to do with the frame of your mind; the way that you think, the way that you influence your reality and the world, and the way that you influence the Universe of the Creator.
It is important for you to be aware that you do influence everything around you and the Universe of the Creator.
These two separate ways are immensely different. Sometimes you cross over, as if there is a bridge between both of them, and you walk from one to the other.
There is a reality in the frame of mind where you believe and know that the Creator loves and supports you.
There is also the reality in the frame of mind where you feel that you are unsupported; that no one loves you and that you are alone. You might blame others and you might think that bad things happen to you.
If you believe and think that the Creator does not support you, that all of the light beings – your guides, your soul – do not support you, then that is the reality that you will experience.
The other reality where you are supported may be challenging for you to even contemplate or comprehend.
If you begin to change your thinking/mindset – even if you don’t believe it to start with – you tell yourself that you are supported and loved. You reach out to your angels/guides/Creator and ask to be supported. Ask to be shown how you are loved and supported. Gradually your mindset will shift.
You can ask your angels/guides to heal your mind; to send light into your mind/thoughts to create a transition where you believe in the reality that is the truth – where you are supported 100%. Gradually you will find that you shift into that mindset, and that will be all that you will be able to see/sense/acknowledge; that you are supported/cared for/loved.
Sometimes things may not go your way. There may be a reason for that; a message that is available for you to grasp. Or maybe there is a need to examine your thoughts; to collect the understanding that you are supported and to reaffirm it.
You may wonder how thinking that you are supported and loved, that the Universe of the Creator is cheering you on and wants to help you, can change your reality. But it can and will because you are the source of your reality and everything around you.
It’s as if you are watching a stage or a television screen; you control what you are watching. It’s as if you have the remote control and maybe you are choosing to see that you are supported and loved, or maybe you are choosing to see that you are alone and unsupported.
The more you can open yourself up to love, and to being loved, the easier you will find it.
You may invite me, Master Sananda, forth to assist you; to surround you in love, to penetrate through the fear/panic/ doubt/judgments/sorrow/pain so that you may glimpse/embody/experience the love that is ever-present within your being.
I am here to support you. I encourage you to begin a mission/quest to realise yourself supported by the Creator and to experience it now.
My love is with you always.

I am Master Sananda and I thank you.

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