Magic of Your Bliss Free MasterClass
The Magic of Your Bliss Free MasterClass Bliss is at the core of the OmNa Sanctuary, it is my purpose through my channeling ability to guide you along your sacred […]
Bliss Experience Sept/Oct 2024
Do you yearn to flow with the universe, living your purpose effortlessly?
Do you wish your everyday reality was blissful resulting in you easily obtaining spiritual mastery?
Do you crave to understand the magic of bliss, how it can bring forth healing and transform your life?
You can achieve bliss in this lifetime! The Bliss Experience creates a sacred space where you can be yourself, connect with your pure essence and heal. You are supported to discover your ability to manifest and experience the most exquisite bliss-filled spiritual reality for yourself.
Bliss is the ultimate truth, it is a higher evolution of love, a journey and awakening of self mastery.
I am offering a unique 5 week live group experience, guiding you through my channeling ability to explore your own journey to bliss. The Bliss Experience only happens twice a year and each time is channelled newly to be in perfect alignment with your needs. I will channel the Celestial White Beings who are my soul group, with other Angels, Ascended Masters and Light Beings who feel guided to join us. We will create a community during our sessions through the channeled wisdom, practices and meditations I bring forth, as well as feedback and sharing. You will be invited to join our Bliss Experience OmNa Chat Group to share your experience and be inspired by other bliss seekers.
Our weekly focus and exploration will consist of:
- Week 1: Finding Clarity in Bliss
- Week 2: Connection to Self and Your Experience of Bliss
- Week 3: Bliss in Action and Your Divine Connection
- Week 4: Living the Bliss Experience
- Week 5: Recap, Enlightenment through Sharing and What’s Next on Your Bliss Journey
Fear by Archangel Metatron
Greetings and love I, Archangel Metatron, extend to your being now.
What are you choosing to awaken now?
Would you like to awaken your being further?
Discover the spiritual process of awakening, what it means to awaken and how to empower your personal awakening experience.
I am offering a 4 week webinar experience where we will delve deep into the subject of awakening. As I channel the Celestial White Beings you will be guided to explore what it is to awaken and how to allow yourself to experience it fully. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about awakening as well as exploring your own personal journey of awakening. Meditations, sacred tools and guidance will be shared with you to build a foundation of powerful awakening for yourself.
Join me and the Celestial White Beings for a magical journey as we explore your personal awakening process, gain a deeper understanding of what spiritual awakening actually is and how to live it fully on the Earth.
How it Works:
Each Thursday at 3:15pm – 4.45pm UK time, beginning 13th June – 11th July 2024, we will gather online with Natalie Glasson channeling the Celestial White Beings.
Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations and practices. There is time for inner exploration, followed by an open sharing and Q & A period.
Once you have enrolled you will need to login to your OmNa Sanctuary Account, clicking on Downloads to reserve your space and receive the joining link for each session. It is important to do this straight away.
Each person registered will receive a replay of the session whether they attended or were unable to attend. The replay can be found in your OmNa Sanctuary Account under Downloads.
You can join the webinar series even if you have missed previous sessions as you will receive the replays of the sessions you have missed and the links to join the remaining sessions.
Investment Donation: £40 for all 4 weeks
Minimum donation for the 4 week course is £40, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum that feels appropriate for you. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.
If you are unable to pay the minimum donation, OmNa Scholarships are available for this course, OmNa is dedicated to offering this sacred opportunity to all. When we work together we can change the vibration of the Earth to create a reality of love for all. Please fill in the questionnaire below stating how much you are able to invest or if investment is too difficult for you at this time.
How To Create New Connections by Saint Germain
Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Saint Germain.
Who Am I? A Profound Discovery of Who You Are
Do you know who you are as a spiritual being?
Do you know who you are as a physical being?
Do you feel their is a part of your understanding about yourself missing?
Give yourself the gift of knowing who you are……… Many people have a deep desire to know themselves fully as their truth, wanting to understand themselves without boundaries on all levels of their being. Some people feel they are missing a part of themselves and are unable to move forward in life and spiritual growth until they can connect with who they really are. The lack of knowingness and understanding can cause deep turmoil and confusion as well as creating blocks that place everything out of your reach.
With a deeper knowingness of self and who you are, your inner confidence and inner knowingness blossoms allowing you to experience a liberating awakening. Suddenly you have a greater understanding of who you are which heals the disconnection with self you may have previously experienced. You are able to draw on the sacred resources and support available to you in the Universe of the Creator and the power and enlightenment within you. You no longer feel stuck in your life and can move forward without resistance and to some extent fear. You become deeply grounded into your self, Mother Earth, your true essence and the Creator, able to live fully and consciously as your truth.
What you will receive:
1. Intro – Who Am I? A Profound Discovery of Who You Are
2. The Fragments of Disconnection
3. The Impact Of Not Knowing Who You Are
4. Healing the Wound and Recognising Your Presence
5. Soul Connection
6. Past or Simultaneous Life Journeys
7. Connecting and Resting in Your Truth
8. Knowing Who You Are
9. The Powerful Impact of Knowing Who You Are
10. Conclusion
How It Works:
You will receive 10 sessions of channeled material through Natalie Glasson delivered to your OmNa Sanctuary Account with 10 videos of Natalie channeling Saint Germain. The material will also be available in downloadable Audio MP3 Files.
You can work through the course at your own pace and the material will always be available to you in your OmNa Sanctuary Account.
Your Soul’s Direction by the Andromedans
Greetings beloved beings of light, we are the Andromedans.
Shower of Awakening by the Arcturians
Greetings and love we, the Arcturians, extend to you now.
Footsteps of Truth by Buddha
Greetings and love I, Lord Buddha, extend to you now.
Bliss Experience 2 – 2023
Do you want to take your Bliss Experience to a new level?
Would you love to explore and embody the higher realms of bliss?
Do you wish you knew the purpose of your sacred bliss vibration?
Bliss Experience 2 will allow you to continue your process of delving deeper into understanding the magic of bliss, how it can bring forth healing and transform your life. You will be supported to further discover your ability to manifest and experience the most exquisite bliss-filled spiritual reality for yourself.
Bliss is the ultimate truth, it is a higher evolution of love, a journey and awakening of self mastery.
I am offering a unique 5 week live group experience, guiding you through my channeling ability to further explore your own journey to bliss and grow your self mastery. We will be guided by the Celestial White Beings to explore the higher realms of bliss, your constant inner presence of bliss as well as how bliss can accelerate your ascension. You will be guided how to use bliss as a healing process as well as fine-tuning your personal embodiment of bliss. We will complete our journey with bliss by exploring and identifying your unique purpose with the source and vibration of bliss and how best you can be a divine expression of bliss.
Join me as we access a new and higher level of bliss!
Our weekly focus and exploration will consist of:
Week 1: The Presence of Bliss
Week 2: The Higher Realms of Bliss
Week 3: Bliss to Accelerate Ascension and Healing
Week 4: The Embodiment of Bliss
Week 5: Your Purpose with Bliss