Power of Divine Beauty by the Celestial White Beings

Unlock the mysteries of divine beauty today.
Greetings to you beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with a vast and expansive vibration of love which is full with the beauty of the Creator. We share our love with you so that you may access the divine bliss within your being for it is your divine right to experience bliss within your being; to awaken bliss and to experience bliss within your physical reality. It is our purpose to support you in accessing your own inner bliss.
Today we wish to speak with you of the power of divine beauty. We first wish you to contemplate, for a number of days, the word ‘beautiful’. When you repeat the word ‘beautiful’ to yourself, what does it mean to you?
You may have many levels and layers of understanding of the word ‘beautiful’. These understandings may be opinions that others have given to you. They may be drawn from experiences or stories that you have told yourself. We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to contemplate this: What does beautiful mean and what is divine beauty?
Only you can truly answer these questions for yourself because each person will have a different understanding. When you begin to move through the layers and levels of stories about the word beautiful – the expectations, the limitations -you begin to access, within your being, a true meaning of the word beautiful; an energy vibration that is aligned to your own inner beauty which is an extension of the Creator’s beauty.
You may resist your inner beauty or you may welcome it. The more you connect with your own inner beauty – and you can achieve this by repeating the word ‘beautiful’ – the more you will access your own inner divine vibrations that are full of the energy of divinity; the energy of the Creator.
When we think of the word beautiful, we are thinking of a fullness, a completeness, a wholeness, a connection with the Divine, a oneness; a oneness that gives birth to a new reality.
The energy of divine beauty, within your being, is so immensely healing for you. It heals trauma and pain and suffering of all kinds; emotional, mental and physical. It is a very powerful healing tonic that not only supports healing but supports the fullness of your being – of your divinity – in coming into embodiment.
When you are able to access your own inner beauty, it will feel like a vibration/sensation/emotion or simply a knowingness; something that encourages you to feel full and complete, joyous and maybe even the energy of gratitude, love, peace and bliss.
When you are connecting with that energy you can begin to allow, and ask within, that every aspect of your being be aligned with your own inner divine beauty; every cell of your body, every organ, every bone, your auric field, your chakras, everything that you know about yourself and everything that you don’t know about yourself, so your entire being is vibrating in oneness and harmony with your own divine inner beauty.
This is immensely powerful. Not only does it shift you to a new dimension and a new perspective, but it dissolves any disharmony within your being. It allows you to feel/experience a greater harmonious vibration. Chaos, drama and trauma – they all dissolve and an inner peace arises.
It is a very powerful process. Not only will it bring harmony and balance to your own being, it will allow you to access and create from your inner beauty; from your divine beauty. You will also notice that beauty manifests all around you. Your life will become more beautiful. You will look at your body and think that it is more beautiful. Even your experiences that you dislike will become more beautiful; you’ll be able to recognise the beauty within them and you’ll recognise the fullness of the Creator – the fullness of your own being and the fullness of your reality.
We encourage you to recognise the beauty with which you are filled and to let it shine brightly to influence your thoughts/perspectives and your emotions/actions/reactions, because you are beautiful. You are divine beauty and your reality is beautiful too. You deserve this.
It is very much like connecting with the vibration of heaven/the inner planes; a reality that is filled with beauty, love, bliss and peace. And yes, pain, trauma and chaos still remain but with a new perspective you are able to recognise the beauty in everything, and with your new understanding of what beauty is, it will make it even more meaningful to recognise the beauty within yourself and all.
We love you dearly.

We are the Celestial White Beings, and we thank you.