Galactic Federation

Channeled Messages: Cleansing Residue Energies by the Crystalline Consciousness Picture

Ascended Masters of the Galactic Level formed this Federation, these are Masters working to aid the Ascension of the Earth and humanity. Commander Ashtar oversees the Galactic Federation Star Ship […]


Channeled Messages: How To Feel More Connected by the Arcturians Picture

Elohims are the builders of the universe; they energise the thoughts of the Creator so that the will of the Creator may materialise. Elohims support souls on their journey of […]

El Morya

Channeled Messages: Your Magnificent Self by Sanat Kumara

Master El Morya is the overseer of the First Ray of Light. He is a soul who has ascended from the Earth through journeying many lifetimes, existing as Abraham, father […]


Channeled Messages: Awakening Your Divine Plan by the Andromedans

Elementals are spirits and souls existing on an unseen level who devote their energy and purpose to caring for and nurturing the Earth, Nature Kingdoms and Mother Earth. Elementals are […]