Awakening Your Soul Group’s Cosmic Ascension with Djwhal Khul


Discover, support and experience your Soul Group’s ascension on the Cosmic Level and how it impacts your ascension.

Master Djwhal Khul shares with you and explains your Soul Group’s current stage of ascension, with the initiations and activations taking place. He invites you to be a part of and to experience for yourself the ascension of your Soul Group. Discover how the ascension of your Soul Group impacts your current reality and spiritual evolution on the Earth. Experience a deeper understanding and connection with your Soul Group while lending your energies to support the cosmic ascension of your Soul Group. This mediation enhances your relationship with your Soul Group while empowering your being, enhancing your unity consciousness and realising you are not alone in your ascension pathway.

Explanation & 1 Meditation – 42 mins Audio


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