Personal and Ascension Energy Template Healing and Rebirth


Minimum Donation: £40.00

Do you long to bring healing to your body, reality, experiences, and ascension?

Are you looking for a new way to empower yourself, feel fulfilled and experience the truth of the Creator?

Would you love to know how to use Energy Templates and how to birth new templates to serve your current existence?

Your entire being from your physical body, auric field and chakra systems holds Energy Templates. The reality you experience and create around you and within you is a product of Energy Templates which you have accepted, formed, and embodied. Some Energy Templates were anchored within you before your birth, others have been created and attracted by you. Sometimes Energy Templates have been altered or damaged due to traumatic experiences or a drastic change in perspective. When you learn to work with the Energy Templates that form your entire being and reality you can heal Energy Templates that are creating disharmony. As well as create new Energy Templates that manifest your body and reality in a way that serves your divine experience, fulfilment, and ascension on the Earth.

I have created a 4 session webinar series where I will channel the Andromedans, and the Master of Energy Template Work to support your exploration of Energy Templates. In this series you will be guided to work closely with a specific guide who is a Master of Energy Template Work. This guide will support and guide you as to how to work with Energy Templates as well as working through you to create powerful transformational shifts to aid ascension and fulfilment. Thus furthering your understanding of Energy Template Work.

You will delve deeper into your inner knowingness to discover what you really need, want and dream of now, as well as gaining a new understanding of where and how healing is needed. This is a very powerful and impactful series that will guide you to create powerful shifts on many levels of your being.

Join the Andromedans, the Master of Energy Template Work and Natalie for a new way to create your being and reality that empowers fulfilment and the experience of the truth of the Creator.

How it Works:

You will receive links to gather online at a time that suits you, with Natalie Glasson channeling the Andromedans, and the Master of Energy Template Work.

Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations, practices and inner exploration.

INVESTMENT DONATION: £40 for all 4 Sessions

Minimum donation for the 4 session course is £40, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum that feels appropriate to you. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.

If you are unable to pay the minimum donation, OmNa Scholarships are available for this course, OmNa is dedicated to offering this sacred opportunity to all. When we work together we can change the vibration of the Earth to create a reality of love for all.


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