Releasing Negative Habits with the Venus Beings


Releasing Negative Habits and Receiving the Offerings of the Creator.

Become a Master of Receiving All You Need in Life, while Being of Service to Yourself and the World!

The Venus Beings come forth to offer their deep and profound love. They wish to guide you in liberating yourself from negative and unneeded habits which no longer serve your spiritual evolution. They explain why it is advisable to release negative habits and how it allows you to awaken fully to receive all the Creator wishes to offer you. Everything you need in life is available for you to receive from the Creator, the Venus Beings wish to assist you in achieving this. Their purpose is to liberate you, as well as, creating a greater shift within humanity where all people allow the Creator to be of service to them. This explanation and meditation is a beautiful, uplifting, inspirational and transformational experience. Support yourself now by opening to receive the offering of the Creator.


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