The Temple at OmNa Sanctuary

Help Create the OmNa Sanctuary Temple

Be a Part of the OmNa Sanctuary Temple, Join Our Journey!

OmNa Sanctuary is a Temple that was physically anchored during the time of Atlantis. It was a sacred circular building over looking the ocean where people gained spiritual insights, healing and enlightenment supported by the Celestial White Beings. The Celestial White Beings are Natalie Glasson’s soul group, they extend from the Celestial Planes and have been supporting the Earth’s ascension since its creation.
I, Natalie Glasson, was the overseer of the temple, then named Nara. I channeled the Celestial White Beings to bring healing, wisdom and ascension classes to those in existence at that time. The Celestial White Beings were so anchored into the Temple that they could be seen by many attending as white light bodies.
Natalie Glasson Family OmNa Sanctuary
At the fall of Atlantis I created a contract with the attendees to return to the Earth and continue to support their spiritual growth. I have been channeling the Celestial White Beings and many other light beings for over 20 years. Many people feel a strong connection with me from Atlantis. I believe that every person who resonates with my channeling experienced the OmNa Sanctuary Temple on Atlantis.
In this lifetime one of my purposes is to complete the contracts of guidance I made with the Atlantean attendees.

Did you have a lifetime in Atlantis? Do you feel a strong resonance with me or my channeling?

Welcome to a brand-new video series where I invite you to join me on an extraordinary journey—Manifesting Our Temple at OmNa Sanctuary.


In this series, I will share my personal ascension journey as I work to bring forth a sacred temple from the inner dimensions into physical reality. This is a vision deeply connected to the divine, and the process is only just beginning.


I call upon the OmNa Family to walk this path with me—offering encouragement, wisdom, and shared intention as we co-create something truly special. Along the way, I will provide updates, meditations to support the anchoring of the temple into the physical world, and Atlantean meditations to awaken ancient wisdom.

Unfulfilled Contract

At the fall of Atlantis the OmNa Sanctuary Temple energetically returned to exist as an ashram on the inner planes. it is now a high vibrational sacred space where anyone can visit with intent or during meditation.
I feel a strong inner guidance that it is my purpose to manifest and build the OmNa Sanctuary Temple on the Earth in this lifetime. I also feel that there are many people from Atlantis that feel a strong desire to join me or support the building of the Temple. In doing so they will be completing their Atlantean contracts as well as accessing healing and wisdom from that time.

Anchoring the Temple

The Temple will be an eco circular buildings possibly built with the natural material of Cob. It will have lots of windows so attendees can meditate looking out onto a luscious meadow. Crystals will be embedded into the floor, ceiling and structure to support the anchoring of the Celestial White Being energy into the building and the earth it stands upon. There will be small pods around the temple used as healing and sound chambers where healing can be given and received.
The purpose of building the structure with cob means that volunteers will be able to work with Natalie and her husband Nick to anchor their energy into the natural matter of the building as they use their hands to mould it and their minds to align with the Celestial White Beings and Creator. The building will be built by many hearts and much love.
It will be a spiritual awakening experience for all and will simply be made out of LOVE.

Do you feel it is your purpose to support the build of the Temple?

When I think of the OmNa Sanctuary Temple I see that my family home is close by to the temple where I will live with my husband and three children, allowing me to maintain and safeguard the energies of the temple.

We have lots of unanswered questions:
Where should we anchor the OmNa Sanctuary Temple? How do we build it?
How do we get funding to build the Temple? Who will help us?
The main Temple structure will be used for silent meditation, channeled group or individual communications and sessions, Crystal Singing Bowl experiences, spiritual awakening and ascension workshops. I will conduct my channeled workshops, retreats and courses in the Temple. Others may hire the temple as guided by the Celestial White Beings. Unique and diverse subject matters are welcome focused upon harmonising with nature, reconnecting with self, physical and mental wellbeing and nourishment for mind, body and spirit.
I feel strongly that the Temple must serve the local community and would love to offer meditation and yoga classes for children of all ages.
The Temple will focus on assisting people access their inner truth, enlightenment, healing and learn how to channel.

Help Create the OmNa Sanctuary Temple

The Temple will focus on assisting people access their inner truth, enlightenment, healing and learn how to channel.

Would you like to help us manifest and anchor the OmNa Sanctuary Temple?

Ways You Can Help:


Become a Patron or Major Donor

Volunteer Your Time

Volunteer Your Skills

Share Guidance or Divine Intuition

Send a Crystal or Gift

Share words of Encouragement

If you would like to discover more about the OmNa Temple I have published my memories in my book, White Beacons of Atlantis. In these pages, Nara, a High Priestess of the Celestial White Beings Temple in Northern Atlantis, shares the moving account of her lifetime and experiences of the fall of Atlantis. Written in novel format, this exhilarating and enlightening true story also offers practical guidance and exercises to heal and reacquaint you with your own Atlantean lifetime.