Upon all levels of the Creator’s Universe such as the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels there is a Council of Twelve supporting the Logos or overseer of each level. The Council of Twelve assist in the downloading and distributing of light, wisdom, consciousness, and love from the Creator while offering guidance to the Logos they are supporting. These beings are pure souls of light with immense knowledge and sacred wisdom.
The Planetary Council of Twelve serve Lord Buddha and the Planetary Level, the Solar Council of Twelve serve Helios and Vesta and the Solar Level, the Galactic Council of Twelve serve Melchior and the Galactic Level, the Universal Council of Twelve serve Lord Melchizedek and the Universal Level, the Multi- Universal Council of Twelve serve Archangel Metatron and the Multi- Universal Level, and the Cosmic Council of Twelve serve Mahatma and the Cosmic Level.
When beings introduce themselves as the Council of Twelve, it is most likely to be the Cosmic Council of Twelve. Each being on the Earth and within the Universe of the Creator is an extension and aspect of the Cosmic Council of Twelve. They are expressions of the Creator and allow us to understand the Creator at a very pure vibration.