OmNa Sanctuary Being Glossary

Being Glossary

The Andromedans are one of the most evolved civilisations working with the Earth at this time of Ascension, their civilisation is very large inhabiting the Andromeda Galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda. It is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years away from the Earth. Their technology is far beyond anything we have experienced on the Earth as is their connection to the Creator.

Lady Vessa Andromeda and Master Andromeda herald from the Andromedan civilisation and are working as overseers of the 10th Ray of Light of a pearlescent colour where they support and guide souls in acceptance and soul integration. They are always present when your soul expands becoming a more truthful expression of the Creator. Call upon Lady Vessa Andromeda and Master Andromeda to support your further integration with your soul and your soul’s integration with all that is the Creator.

An Angel is a being of light created from the heart and love energy of the Creator. They act as messengers and distribute loving qualities from the Creator to humanity. These sacred beings are available to assist us in all matters of our physical reality and spiritual growth.

Archangels hold the same purpose as Angels however, they act as overseers of the Angelic Kingdom supporting humanity in absorbing and embodying the truth of the Creator. They are powerhouses of love, healing and wisdom ready to divinely intervene with your permission and request.

Archangel Amethyst is the feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. Both Archangels work within the 7th Ray of Light overseen by Lady Portia of a violet colour. They support souls working with the 7th Ray of Light in achieving transformation, anchoring the New Age of Ascension, spiritual advancement and enhancing psychic and spiritual abilities. Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel also oversee the Violet Flame of Transmutation which is a purifying flame of light. Archangel Amethyst is named so due to her energy and qualities appearing as an Amethyst crystal. You can call upon Archangel Amethyst to aid cleansing, purification, clarity, transformation, awakening of truth and inner confidence.

Archangel Aurora is an angelic presence who is the feminine aspect of Archangel Uriel. Both Archangels work upon the 6th Ray of Light overseen by Master Lanto of an indigo colour. Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora are known as the wisest of Archangels, they are radiant and knowledgeable messengers. They can inspire pure wisdom to blossom from within your being while sharing insights to aid the expansion of your mind and consciousness. You can call upon Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora to enhance your faith and devotion, to awaken sacred wisdom from within your being or to support you in times when decision need to be made.

Archangel Azrael is known as the Archangel of Death; it is his purpose to support souls passing from the physical Earthly reality into the inner plane light reality as they leave their physical bodies. Archangel Azrael can be called upon to support any soul who is moving through the death process, so that this transition may be made with ease and perfection.

The Archangel can support you in removing fears concerning death as well as supporting an energetic death, release or surrendering within your being of old or unneeded energies to promote expansion and healing. When we complete cycles of any kind this offers to us a greater experience of expansion, freedom, and unison with the Creator. Archangel Azrael also supports in dissolving all forms of darkness within or around your being, bringing forth greater volumes of light and love to be experienced and embodied.

Archangel Christine is an angelic presence and the feminine aspect of Archangel Jophiel, they are the chief angelic energies supporting the love and wisdom energies of the 2nd Ray of Light overseen by Master Joshua of a blue colour. The angelic love these two archangels express and radiate is breath-taking, healing, and transformational. When you call upon their energies they will guide you to the pure space of love within your being, encouraging you to experience love fully thus awakening a powerful wisdom and inner knowingness to further support your ascension.

Archangel Faith is the feminine aspect of Archangel Michael, both Archangels oversee the 1st Ray of Light of a red colour guided by Master El Morya. Archangel Faith holds the powerful protective energies of Archangel Michael however, her role is to support, enhance and awaken your inner faith to aid your ascension. When you call upon protection or angelic assistance Archangel Faith is always present encouraging you to believe and have faith that the angels are working with you so you may accept their energies, guidance, and divine intervention within your reality with greater ease. If you feel you require support, wish to enhance your faith in yourself or the Creator then call upon Archangel Faith to assist you, her energies are truly inspirational.

Archangel Gabriel is often recognised as a feminine angelic presence due to the pure love, gentleness, and beauty he exudes and yet Gabriel acts as the masculine aspect to his feminine aspect Archangel Hope. Archangel Gabriel promotes and encourages creativity, artistic projects, and qualities, as well as the recognition of beauty within. He promotes harmony and balance to aid your expression of the Creator. Gabriel is particularly gifted in breaking down barriers so communication may flow, whether physically or spiritually. He has a very soothing presence which allows his energies to be accepted and absorbed by children of all ages, encouraging children to blossom creatively to communicate their truth. Gabriel’s presence allows for souls to appreciate, love, accept and honour themselves as their divine truth.

Archangel Hope is the feminine angelic aspect of Gabriel. Her purpose is to awaken the vibration of hope, faith, and trust from within your being and spiritual practices. In times of fear, distrust, anxiety, panic, or depression you can call upon Archangel Hope to lift your spirits bringing forth feelings of optimism, confidence, happiness and hope to support you in your reality and experiences.

Archangel Hope holds the same qualities as Archangel Gabriel, she is able to work closely with children, support artistic and creative projects, aid the manifestation of goals and dreams, enhance your perception of your inner and outer beauty, as well as creating balance and harmony within your being and reality.

Archangel Josephine is the feminine angelic aspect of Archangel Jeremiel. It is their mission to help us integrate the cleansing and purifying qualities of the 8th Ray of Light of a sea foam green colour, overseen by Lady Nada. They support in healing and dissolving fears, anxieties and worries while encouraging a cleansing or decluttering of your reality, mind, emotions, and energy.

Archangel Metatron is the leader of the Archangels and the Angelic Kingdom. He is also currently holding the role of Multi- Universal Logos which means that he oversees the Multi- Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe which is represented by a platinum ray of light. Archangel Metatron is a wise angelic presence who is overseeing and supporting the current Era of Ascension and Love on the Earth. Call upon him to support you in any spiritual matter or ascension process, his powerful energy will lovingly guide you.

Archangel Michael is the most powerful angelic protector, you may call upon his energy to invite protection for all forms of situations or matters in your reality and spiritual practices, his protection will always be granted to you. Michael and his feminine aspect Archangel Faith oversee the 1st Ray of Light of a red colour guided by Master El Morya.

Archangel Michael supports souls in accepting and working with the divine will and plan of the Creator, as well as encouraging qualities of courage, power, determination, and action. Michael is a powerful healer who is always available to those who call upon his energies.

Archangel Raphael is one of the most powerful angelic healers of humankind, his healing powers, love, and ability to promote transformation within is immense. Call upon Archangel Raphael to support any form of healing whether for yourself or another, he also has a legion of healing angels who will gather around you. Raphael holds wonderful abilities of encouraging soul exploration, expansion, and embodiment. If you wish to strengthen your connection with your soul call upon Archangel Raphael to support, you. His feminine angelic aspect is Archangel Mary, both Archangels are angelic representatives of the 5th Ray of Light overseen by Master Hilarion of an orange colour.

Archangel Sandalphon is the twin aspect of Archangel Metatron. Archangel Sandalphon oversees the Earthly aspects of Ascension while Archangel Metatron oversees the inner plane aspects of Ascension. Call upon Archangel Sandalphon to the ground and anchor your energies or new divine energies from the inner planes. His energies can be called forth when achieving Earth healing or any spiritual practice concerning the Earth. Archangel Sandalphon is a constant support for Mother Earth aiding the evolution of all present upon the Earth.

Archangel Uriel is an angelic presence who is the masculine aspect of Archangel Aurora. Both Archangels work upon the 6th Ray of Light overseen by Master Lanto of an indigo colour. Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora are known as the wisest of Archangels they are radiant and knowledgeable messengers. They can inspire pure wisdom to blossom from within your being while sharing insights to aid the expansion of your mind and consciousness. You can call upon Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora to enhance your faith and devotion, to awaken sacred wisdom from within your being or to support you in times when decision need to be made.

Archangel Zadkiel is the masculine aspect of Archangel Amethyst. Both Archangels work within the 7th Ray of Light overseen by Lady Portia of a violet colour. They support souls working with the 7th Ray of Light in achieving transformation, anchoring the New Age of Ascension, spiritual advancement and enhancing psychic and spiritual abilities. Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst also oversee the Violet Flame of Transmutation which is a purifying flame of light.

The star of Arcturus is inhabited by an evolved civilisation named the Arcturians. They are known for their powerful and advanced Light Technology which they share with humanity to aid spiritual evolution, ascension, healing and deeper connection with the Creator. When you call upon the Arcturians, you can ask them to share with you their Light Technology to assist with a certain situation, to aid healing or advanced an aspect of your spiritual development. They will share the most appropriate Light Technology to serve your request.

If you work with technology on the Earth, you can ask the Arcturians to download their Light Technology into the technology or invite them to share inspiration as to how to develop technology to serve ascension.

You can visit the Arcturians in meditation asking to experience their Light Technology to heal certain ailments or advance your spiritual development.

An Arcturian, Anthena Arcturus, is the leader of a Star Ship that travels through the Creator’s Universe and oversees many developments on the Earth. Each member of her team upon her Star Ship has obtained Ascended Master Consciousness holding a purpose of aiding the ascension of souls upon the Earth. Anthena is known as a communicator, she assists in imparting valuable information from the Arcturians to those upon the Earth and throughout the Creator’s Universe. The Arcturians hold many advanced technologies and tools to accelerate ascension. She is also assigned to many souls as a personal guide.

You can call upon Anthena Arcturus to aid a deeper connection or understanding of the Arcturians, their wisdom and technology as well as accelerating your own ascension process.

An Ascended Masters is a soul who has existed on the Earth in human form and through awakening, mastery and awareness they have balanced their emotional and mental bodies to exist in harmony and peace with the Creator. With realisation of himself/herself as their truth and an aspect of the Creator they are able to shift to resonate with the Creator accepting enlightenment and seeing through the illusions of the Earthly reality.

In the past once ascension was achieved by an individual, they would leave their physical body to return to the inner planes to be of service. In our current stage of ascension many people are achieving a level of mastery which brings forth self-realisation and enlightenment however they are choosing to remain on the Earth in their human bodies to continue to distribute the light and support the ascension of others.

The Ascended Masters currently existing on the inner planes are equal to us upon the Earth, we are all playing a vital role in supporting all of humanity in remembering their divinity. These beings hold a great volume of knowledge and are acting as guides to us all from the spiritual levels and inner planes. They are wonderful guides as they have existed on the Earth understanding the challenges of reality and the initiations of ascension and healing which we are all moving through now.

Lord Buddha is currently acting as Planetary Logos, this means that he oversees the vibrations and the spiritual education of all on the Earth and the planetary level of the Creator’s Universe. The planetary level is the closest vibrational level of energy to the Earth. Lord Buddha replaced Sanat Kumara in 1994 as Planetary Logos.

Buddha is an Ascended Master who has experienced many lifetimes upon the Earth now existing as a Galactic Master. This title recognises the levels of initiations he has moved through as a soul.

You can call upon Buddha to oversee your spiritual education and mission on the Earth, supporting you in gaining an enlightened awareness. You may also visit Buddha’s Planetary Ashram in meditation by simply holding intention, this will allow you to meditate with the Twelve Buddhas who assist Buddha himself.

Butterfly Moon is the communicator on behalf of the Fairy Kingdom, she delivers the wisdom of the Fairy Kingdom to the Universe of the Creator and the Earth so that all may benefit from the consciousness of the Fairies. Butterfly Moon’s skin is green, and she is much taller than all other fairies. Call upon Butterfly Moon to work with you if you wish to strengthen your connection with the fairies.

The Celestial White Beings exist within the vibration of the Multi-Universal and Cosmic level of the Creator. They wish to align you with the quick vibrations of the Creator and the wisdom that can be accessed. They have been sharing their energy and consciousness since the creation of the Earth and wish to envelope all in love. Their greatest goal is to assist each soul in accessing their inner vibration of bliss as this allows for true Creator integration. Their presence was very strong at the time of Atlantis where they held a healing temple devoted to spiritual growth and awakening. Due to their high vibrational frequency and love for humanity they are known as powerful healers. These pure beings are Natalie Glasson‘s soul group and she is existing on the Earth at this time as a representative of their energy. You can read the story of the Celestial White Beings during the time of Atlantis in Natalie’s book: White Beacons of Atlantis

Commander Ashtar is an airborne Ascended Master who travels the Universe of the Creator as a member and representative of the Galactic Federation. He is the Commander of the Galactic Federation Star Ship. Ashtar holds the consciousness of an Ascended Master and assists in many activations from the Ascended Masters on the inner planes given to the Earth and humanity. He oversees the ascension of many beings and aids a soul’s emergence into an Ascended Master.

Call upon Commander Ashtar to aid and assist your personal mastery and Ascended Master pathway. You may call upon him to assist in any Earth, Planetary, Solar, Galactic healing work or activations. He has much wisdom to share concerning obtaining mastery and how to aid the ascension of the Earth.

Upon all levels of the Creator’s Universe such as the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels there is a Council of Twelve supporting the Logos or overseer of each level. The Council of Twelve assist in the downloading and distributing of light, wisdom, consciousness, and love from the Creator while offering guidance to the Logos they are supporting. These beings are pure souls of light with immense knowledge and sacred wisdom.

The Planetary Council of Twelve serve Lord Buddha and the Planetary Level, the Solar Council of Twelve serve Helios and Vesta and the Solar Level, the Galactic Council of Twelve serve Melchior and the Galactic Level, the Universal Council of Twelve serve Lord Melchizedek and the Universal Level, the Multi- Universal Council of Twelve serve Archangel Metatron and the Multi- Universal Level, and the Cosmic Council of Twelve serve Mahatma and the Cosmic Level.

When beings introduce themselves as the Council of Twelve, it is most likely to be the Cosmic Council of Twelve. Each being on the Earth and within the Universe of the Creator is an extension and aspect of the Cosmic Council of Twelve. They are expressions of the Creator and allow us to understand the Creator at a very pure vibration.

The Council of 144 exists at the Cosmic Level and is an extension of the Council of 12. Every being in the Universe of the Creator extended from the Creator through the Council of 12 and then Council of 144, being born into the Universe of the Creator. The Council of 144 are the guardians of the 144 frequency which is the vibration and energy of wholeness, completeness, and oneness. The Council of 144 inject and imprint the frequency of 144 into all aspects, manifestation, and forms of the Universe of the Creator. They emanate a pure vibration and assist with deepening your embodiment of the Creator and developing intimate relationship with the Creator.

The Crystalline Kingdom exist on the inner planes and is an aspect of the Creator’s Universe. The spirits of the crystals upon the Earth extend from the Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes. The crystal beings and consciousness are supporting the Earth and humanity in the current stages of ascension. Their energy is tremendously powerful, healing and purifying.

Master Djwhal Khul is a very gentle and devoted Ascended Master with a tremendous knowledge and understanding of spiritual matters. If you are confused about certain spiritual concepts or require more wisdom, then calling upon Master Djwhal Khul will serve you well. He has existed on the Earth as a wise man who visited Jesus, Confucius, an assistant to Pythagoras and the founder of the Tibetan Foundation.

Master Djwhal Khul has played a large role within the second ray of light at a planetary level, supporting the previous Chohan or overseer of the second ray of light, Master Kuthumi, as well as overseeing the Synthesis Ashram within the Second Ray of Light Ashram.

In this present day, Master Kuthumi is now acting as World Teacher and Master Djwhal Khul continues to support him by acting as Extension World Teacher. In this role, Master Djwhal Khul holds his own ashram within the World Teacher Ashram where he can receive souls, preparing, activating, and assisting them in their spiritual awakening on the Earth and the inner planes. Master Djwhal Khul is a radiant and wise guide to call upon.

Elementals are spirits and souls existing on an unseen level who devote their energy and purpose to caring for and nurturing the Earth, Nature Kingdoms and Mother Earth. Elementals are Fairies, the Fairy Kingdom, Unicorns, Elves, Gnomes, Sprites, Devas, Sylphs, Water Spirits, Mere People, Tree Spirits and Spirits of the Nature Kingdom.

Master El Morya is the overseer of the First Ray of Light. He is a soul who has ascended from the Earth through journeying many lifetimes, existing as Abraham, father of the Jewish Race, and as one of the three wise men who travelled to the birth of Jesus. He assists the Manu Allah Gobi in his work with the spiritual and Earth governments as well as understanding and distributing the will of the Creator at a planetary level. He distributes and assists many in working with the sacred qualities of the first ray of light such as enhancing courage, confidence, determination, strength, bravery, action, and focus. He will aid in accessing and understanding the will and divine plan of the Creator for your own reality, for the Earth and the Universe of the Creator. You can call upon Master El Morya to assist with the integration or enhancement of any of the above qualities or to assist you in recognising the divine will and plan of the Creator and your soul within you, integrating it into action within your life.

Elohims are the builders of the universe; they energise the thoughts of the Creator so that the will of the Creator may materialise. Elohims support souls on their journey of discovery, overseeing the soul’s thoughts and the unity of the soul’s mind with the Creator. When a person gains a certain level of mastery of the mind the Elohims begin to work with the person’s soul on the inner planes to energise their thoughts helping them to gain greater mind mastery to materialise the will of their soul into their realities on the Earth.

Fairy or Fairies are souls who devote their energy and purpose to working alongside nature and the animal kingdom to support the Creator’s energy in anchoring, blossoming, and thriving. People who work closely with Mother Earth often have fairy guides who are pure loving beings of light holding ancient knowledge of how to exist as one with the Earth.

Predominantly they exist upon the inner planes where they hold their own ashram known as the Fairy Kingdom, however they are able to move through all dimensions thus being able to move through the earthly dimensions. Their energy vibration is very quick, and they can often be seen as orbs of coloured light. The fairy kingdom will come and surround you if you call upon them so that you may experience their energy, they respond to respect, generosity, and truth. They are powerful healers and can support manifestation.

Ascended Masters of the Galactic Level formed this Federation, these are Masters working to aid the Ascension of the Earth and humanity. Commander Ashtar oversees the Galactic Federation Star Ship which allows Masters to travel the Universe of the Creator to support all forms of healing and alignment with the Creator. Commander Ashtar is an airborne Ascended Master who travels the Universe of the Creator as a member and representative of the Galactic Federation. He is the Commander of the Galactic Federation Star Ship. Ashtar holds the consciousness of an Ascended Master and assists in many activations from the Ascended Masters on the inner planes given to the Earth and humanity. He oversees the ascension of many beings and aids a soul’s emergence into an Ascended Master.

You can call upon Lord Ganesh to remove obstacles from your reality, spiritual evolution or even obstacles created by yourself through your thoughts and beliefs.

Ganesha also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Hindu sects worship him regardless of affiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains and Buddhists.

Although he is known by many attributes, Ganesha’s elephant head makes him easy to identify. Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies. Ganesha is also invoked as patron of letters and learning during writing sessions. Several texts relate mythological anecdotes associated with his birth and exploits and explain his distinct iconography.

The Goddess Beings are an aspect of the Creator representing the feminine, nurturing, and creative qualities of the Creator. Their community exists upon the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe. Their vibrations are immensely potent, uplifting and healing, they have the power to support your experience of physical and spiritual fulfilment as well as aiding completion of Planetary Level teachings and evolution. Calling upon the Goddess Beings to support you in your daily reality will allow for your own feminine vibrations whether you are in a male or female body to be balanced and awoken. You may notice new qualities such as gentleness, compassion, creativity, kindness, and tenderness evolving from your being.

These sacred beings can be called upon to create a healing sanctuary around you to promote health and wellbeing at a spiritual and physical level. Any project, event, ambition, or creation can be supported by the Goddess Beings which will encourage creativity to flow abundantly and appropriately. Lady Nada, Lady Pallas Athena, Lady Portia, Lady Mary, and Lady Quan Yin are Goddess Beings; however, they can also be known as Ascended Masters. At the Cosmic Level, there are Goddess Beings who simply emanate the sacred nurturing light of the Creator and have not journeyed through the ascension process of the Earth, these beings represent the purest feminine vibration. It is important to understand that the human perspective allows us to imagine Goddesses as souls with female bodies and yet there is no male nor female at the Cosmic Level of the Creator, souls are an integration of both.

Goddess Grace exists on the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe. It is her purpose to receive the pure updated and expansive vibration of grace from the Creator distributing the energy to all aspects of the Creator especially the Divine Feminine expressions within all. She receives pure grace and intertwines it with the divine will of the Creator sharing her creation with all. Each synthesis of grace and the divine will of the Creator for each present moment occurs within her energy being. Goddess Grace is a creation of energy, consciousness, intention and even conception of new expansive Creator vibrations born from grace and the divine will of the Creator. Call upon her to anchor grace and the divine will of the Creator into your being or to support you in the process of creation from within.

Goddess Hathor is depicted as the Goddess of the Sun and Sky, expressing her connection with the inner planes and her radiant light. Goddess Hathor holds many of the qualities that we associate with the Goddess vibration and the Creator such as love, inner and outer beauty, joy, sound as a healing and awakening tool and dance as a form of expression of the Creator.

Hathor holds the sacred vibration of the Divine Mother and embodies the Goddess qualities. As a Goddess of fertility, she connects soul mates, oversee conception, pregnancy, the birth, and spiritual awakening of a child. Her compassion and love are immense and divinely healing.

Goddess Hathor is seen as seven Goddess beings that originate from Venus and focus upon sound as a form of communication and ascension. Love is their greatest and most powerful vibration; they are likened to the vibration of the Christ consciousness which is an active vibration of love. Due to their loving vibration their healing abilities are immense, especially when expressed through sound or music. Within Hathor, we see the true purity of the Goddess, the tender qualities that are so inspirational, healing and awakening.

While Hathor is often seen as a Goddess being she can also be recognised as an Ascended Master and Star Being of feminine vibrations.

Isis is known as the Moon Goddess which symbolises her abilities and energies of transformation, restoration, or alignment, replenishing and rejuvenating on a physical, spiritual and soul level.

Isis is an evolved high priestess and Ascended Master of magic, resurrection, wisdom, and manifestation. Isis holds the key to the Goddess mysteries and often acts as a powerful source of protection. She holds the feminine vibrations of strength and power. Isis is a powerful healer and master of ascension and enlightenment. She oversees the spiritual awakening of children and holds the sacred vibration and qualities of the Divine Mother.

The knowledge that she holds in the process of ascension and initiations is far beyond the wisdom accepted by many in our current day. She holds a deep understanding of the process of ascension, changing matter into light, immaculate conception, healing, the inner plane dimensions, the qualities of the Creator and healing on all energetic levels. Isis is likened to and an aspect of Mother Mary.

Goddess Oraylia is from the Goddess Council at the Cosmic Level.

Goddess Oscea is the Keeper of the Treasure of the Earth, it is her purpose to protect and maintain the harmony of the treasure of the Earth provided and created by the Creator so all may benefit and align with ease.

Goddess Tamara works with the celestial and Cosmic Level of the Creator’s universe within the Goddess Chamber of Light. The qualities she emanates as a Goddess being are gentleness, harmony, grace and divine unity. It is her purpose to ensure the divine order within the Creator’s Universe by expressing and creating channels and energetic pathways for the Goddess vibration to penetrate, exist and merge with all aspects of the Creator.

Goddess Tamara is the Goddess of Divine Order, it is through the energy vibration and birth of the Goddess light that she ensures all ascension shifts take place with Divine Goddess Order, signifying that all transformations are born from love and create love. It is her greatest purpose to maintain harmony and balance within the Creator’s Universe. There are many beings that have similar roles, but the vibration of the Goddess is extremely influential and powerful when merged with the activations of transformation. The Goddess vibration feeds the transformation to intensify its presence while ensuring its eternal alignment with peace and harmony.

Anna is the mother of Mother Mary and the grandmother of Master Jesus/Yeshua. She lived on the Earth for hundreds of years due to her abilities of rejuvenating her physical body. She was a part of the Essene community, now from the inner planes she continues to share her love and sacred abilities with us all.

Helios and Vesta are the overseers of the Solar Level which is between the Planetary and Galactic Levels of the Creator’s Universe. Helios is of masculine vibration while Vesta is of feminine vibration and yet they are a united soul.

Helios and Vesta merged, hold the brightness of the sun, they hold a perfect masculine and feminine balance while also filtering the light of the Creator through the Solar Level into the Planetary Level from the Galactic Level. They oversee the spiritual education of all beings moving through their Solar Level initiations.

You can call upon Helios and Vesta to assist in balancing your masculine and feminine vibrations, enhancing the vibrancy of your light, and connecting on a deeper level with your soul as well as supporting your Solar Level awakening and consciousness.

Master Hilarion is an Ascended Master who oversees the fifth ray of light of the planetary level. Master Hilarion and the fifth ray of light assist in the exploration of science in all forms, he combines the wisdom, will and divine plan of the Creator developing it beyond limitations until new truths and understandings are born. Not only does Master Hilarion aid scientific projects upon the Earth but works to bring spiritual truth to all scientific forms. On the inner planes Master Hilarion aids the exploration of spiritual science which is to bring forth new insights and tools to aid ascension and connection with the Creator. The fifth ray of light supports a deep exploration of the soul thus encouraging expansion and understanding of the soul.

Call upon Master Hilarion if you are having difficulty with a scientific project, wish to anchor a more spiritual vibrations into any form of science, wish to access new tools and insights or wish to connect further with your soul.

Jesus – Yeshua was the earthly incarnation of the World Teacher Master Sananda, whose higher aspect is Lord Maitreya.

Master Jesus came to the Earth to demonstrate to all the power of love and how it transcends everything. He is a consciousness you can call upon to experience the Christ Consciousness, which is an active vibration of love, for healing, experiencing, or activating profound love from within your being as well as downloading sacred wisdom and abilities.

Joseph was the father of Jesus and the husband of Mother Mary or Mary Anna. He played a great role in the life of Jesus and supported his divine purpose. He was a very spiritual and divinely connected man who ascended from the Earth after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. He played a vital role in bringing healing to the Earth and anchoring the Christ Consciousness into all.

Master Joshua existed upon the Earth as Dr Joshua David Stone (7 December 1953 August 2005), he was a spokesperson for the Planetary Ascension Movement and anchored the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy and Ashram seeking to represent all paths to God. Joshua lived in Los Angeles, California, he was a teacher and author of many books focused upon Ascended Master Teachings.

Joshua now holds the role of Chohan or overseer of the 2nd Ray of Light represented by a blue colour expressing the qualities of love and wisdom. Master Joshua continues to share his wisdom and ascension insights from the inner planes.

Lord Krishna is an aspect of the Creator/God,

Krishna is a Hindu deity, worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism in a variety of different perspectives. Krishna is recognised as the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu or as the Supreme God in other traditions. Krishna is one of the most widely revered and most popular of all Hindu deities.

Krishna is often described and portrayed as an infant eating butter, a young boy playing a flute as in the Bhagavata Purana, a young man along with Radha or as an elder giving direction and guidance as in the Bhagavad Gita. The stories of Krishna appear across a broad spectrum of Hindu philosophical and theological traditions.

Master Kuthumi is a much-loved Ascended Master by many because of his gentle, warm, loving, supportive and joyful vibration as well as his wisdom and powerful ability to guide and to aid channeling abilities. He has existed on the Earth in many lifetimes such as Pythagoras, a wise man at the birth of Jesus, a disciple of Jesus and Saint Francis of Assisi.

He previously worked as the Chohan and overseer of the second ray of light ashram, he now works as the World Teacher alongside Master Jesus. Existing upon Sirius within the Great White Ascended Master Brother and Sisterhood Lodge, he continues to share his wisdom overseeing the spiritual education of all being.

Kuthumi supports your soul in discovering and creating your journey of spiritual awakening, education, activation, illumination, and enlightenment. He is a wonderful guide to call upon if wishing to advance your spiritual education, develop your channelling ability and to simply aid in any area of your spiritual reality. He teaches that through love wisdom is born.

Master Lanto is a gentle, disciplined, and peaceful soul who often appears as a small ancient Chinese Master. In his lifetime on the Earth, he achieved such a high vibration of energy, enlightenment, and peace that light could be seen shining through his skin.

Master Lanto replaced Master Jesus as Chohan or overseer of the Sixth Ray of Light. Previous to this he worked as Master Kuthumi‘s assistant in the Second Ray Ashram. The Master can assist you in radiating your inner light, enhancing, or accessing your inner devotion, tranquillity, peace, oneness and acceptance of self and Creator.

There are six main levels of the Creator’s Universe which are represented by a colour of light and overseen by a being of light. Each overseer of these six levels is titled a Logos. Mahatma is the Cosmic Logos and overseer of this translucent expression of the Creator. The Cosmic level is the closest vibration to the core of the Creator and therefore is a true expression of the Creator.

Mahatma is a consciousness which comprises of 352 levels of Creator consciousness spanning throughout the Creator’s Universe. Mahatma is often represented by a turquoise light and can also hold the title of Avatar of Synthesis. Mahatma can support you in synthesising with the Creator, exploring the Creator within you, accessing different and diverse levels of the 352 levels of consciousness and well as bringing forth healing and awakening.

Lord Maitreya is a Galactic Master assisting the Earth’s ascension at a planetary level. He is the higher aspect of Master Sananda/Jesus/Yeshua, he is known as the Christ because he oversees and distributes the Christ Consciousness at a planetary level. He works with all souls on the Earth to support them in achieving their Christ Initiations. The Christ Consciousness is a pure vibration of active love which is not linked to the Christian Religion, it is a love which is the essence of the Creator and exists within all souls. Call upon the Christ Lord Maitreya to assist you with accepting and sharing love, understanding the Christ Consciousness, and achieving your Christ Initiations. The Christ Ashram oversees the 12th Ray of Light lead by Lady Pallas Athena also focused upon this sacred golden active vibration of love.

Maryham is the past life aspect of Natalie Glasson who was present as a disciple, a part of the 144 men and women who supported Master Jesus during his time upon the Earth. She is a young girl of around 14 years old who sang with the most beautiful voice.

Lady Nada is the higher aspect of Mary Magdalene who existed on the Earth during the lifetime of Jesus/ Yeshua. Mary Magdalene was the partner of Jesus/Yeshua and supported him through his lifetimes and purpose. She is often discredited; however, she was and is a powerful aspect of the Divine Goddess energy, the Christ Consciousness and is an Ascended Master. Her knowledge is immense concerning Ascension, Mystery School Teachings, Mastery, Healing and Goddess Teachings. She is a very beautiful, pure, and loving soul.

Lady Mary also known as Mother Mary and Archangel Mary. She is the Chohan or overseer of the 9th Ray of Light of a blue-green colour focused upon soul exploration and joy. She can often be seen wearing a deep blue cloak that when you look into you can see the Universe of the Creator. Mary has incarnated onto the Earth as the mother of Jesus/Yeshua as well as Isis the mother of Horus; her past lifetimes show she is a kind, compassionate and nurturing soul who wishes to act as a mother to all souls to aid their growth and expansion. She emanates the vibrations of pure love, joy and bliss. Lady Mary is also a member of the board of karma assisting many souls in freeing themselves from karmic debts. You can call upon her to surround you in healing and the Goddess light.

Melchior is the overseer or Logos of the Galactic Level in the Creator’s Universe represented by a silver golden colour of light. Melchior’s vibration is of the merged masculine and feminine vibrations of the Creator, we cannot state that Melchoir is of male or female vibration, simply an integrated soul and powerful expression of the Creator. We can liken Melchior’s energy to the vibration and level of a Soul Group. Melchoir is a spiritual mentor who instils discipline, focus, expansiveness and has immense wisdom to share with humanity. Calling upon the Galactic light can aid further integration with the Planetary and Solar Levels as well as enhancing your personal protection.

Melchizedek is a title given to enlightened beings and initiates of the Order of Melchizedek. He is more of a consciousness than a being acting as the Universal Logos which means he oversees the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe represented by a golden colour. He is a Christed Being which means he holds and has completed his Christ Consciousness Initiations.

These are a team of light beings who have been initiated into the Order and Consciousness of Melchizedek existing on the inner planes supporting the Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek in his ashram and work of aiding the ascension of all.

A consciousness deeply connected to the Earth often seen as a wizard Lord Merlin. He is an inspirational and enlightening guide and spiritual teacher drawn to the most devoted of souls to aid their spiritual advancement. He is knowledgeable in the magic of the Creator, manifestation, connecting with Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom, healing, and mastery. He is known as a cosmic magician. Lord Merlin is an aspect of Lord Buddha and Lord Mordaf.

Mother Earth is the spirit, soul, consciousness, and Creator expression which inhabits the Planet Earth, the Earth is her body. Seen as a divine feminine and Goddess energy she has the purpose of nurturing, nourishing, and supporting all life forms and humans in existence upon the Earth. She has many names such as Gaia, Mother Nature, and Mother Goddess. Her spirit and consciousness is ever present, she is like the breath of the Earth and her light can be found throughout the nature world as she oversees all the nature kingdoms, deva, spirits and elementals.

Holding the intention to anchor your energies and the light you receive from the Creator into Mother Earth creates powerful experiences of grounding. You can call upon Mother Earth to co-create healing with you for the Earth, people, animals, nature, or any aspect. This sacred Goddess has divine wisdom, understandings, and insights to share especially concerning healing the Earth and existing in harmony with the Earth. When you call upon Mother Earth, she will always be present to support you.

Lady Nada is the inner plane or higher self-aspect of Mary Magdalene. She is the Chohan or overseer of the 8th Ray of Light which is a powerful cleansing and purification ray represented by a sea foam green colour. The 8th Ray of Light honours the soul and removes any blockages, fears, or toxins from the soul’s pathway to allow it to swell and blossom into its limitless being. Lady Nada is a member of the Board of Karma supporting soul’s in dissolving all karmic debts. Nada is from the planet Venus; she is an aspect of the soul of Master Sananda/Jesus/Yeshua. Nada served on the 6th Ray of Light with Master Sananda before he accepted the role of World Teacher. She is an Ascended Master, Goddess and a Christed Being.

Nara Merlyn is Natalie Glasson’s past life self. Nara existed upon Atlantis as a High Priestess overseeing the temple of the Celestial White Beings in the north of Atlantis. The Celestial White Beings are Nara and Natalie’s Soul Group who exist at a celestial level of the Creator’s Universe.

You can discover Nara’s life and her experiences of the fall of Atlantis in ‘White Beacons of Atlantis.’ Nara is a channel, healer and continues to guide many upon the Earth in achieving ascension. She made a contract to those who visited her temple during the time of Atlantis to continue to act as a guide and spiritual mentor even beyond Atlantis. Natalie in her current lifetime has accepted this contract acting as a beacon of love, consciousness, and spiritual support for those guided to her.

Pallas Athena is known as a warrior goddess because of her past lifetimes upon the Earth. She appears to us in the spiritual realms as an expansive blazing flame of golden light. She anchors the energy of the Christ Consciousness into her being with the power to burn up negative energy and illusions to create the pure love of the Creator. She wholeheartedly surrenders herself to the Creator giving the impression of being strong, powerful, and determined.

Pallas Athena is a Goddess and an Ascended Master; she is the Chohan or overseer of the 12th Ray of Light represented by a golden colour. The 12th ray is an extension of the Christ Ashram focused upon completing Planetary Level initiations and embodiment of the Christ Consciousness which is the active vibration of love from the essence and core of the Creator.

Call upon Pallas Athena to support your embodiment of love, to enhance your inner power and to aid completion of Planetary lessons and teachings.

Master Paul the Venetian or as he is fondly known on the inner planes, Master Paul from Venus, governs or oversees, as Chohan, the 4th Ray of Light represented by a green colour of light. Master Paul is particularly skilled in governing this ray because of his previous lifetimes upon the Earth such as an artist named Paul Veronese and as the sculptor, painter, and architect Michelangelo. His past lifetimes prepared him for supporting the qualities of the 4th Ray of Light of harmony, beauty, creativity, and the arts. Master Paul can assist you with any creative or artist project, enhancing your inner creativity, creating balance, harmony and peace as well as recognising the beauty within your being and within your reality.

The Pleiadians are an advanced civilisation that extend their energy to the Earth to support our spiritual evolution. They exist on an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus; they are among the nearest star cluster to the Earth known as the seven sisters or the M45. The Pleiadians have made many connections with the Earth through channels and light workers. Currently they anchor their energy into Lady Nada’s 8th Ray of Light to support the cleansing, purification, and soul evolution of all. They also wish to dissolve the vibrations, emotions, and thoughts of fear within all, bringing forth powerful healing waves of light and support, thus raising the frequency of the Earth and humanity.

Lady Portia is the twin flame or feminine aspect of St Germain; she is the overseer or chohan of the 7th Ray of Light of a violet colour and the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Her purpose is to aid transformation, dawning of new eras, magic, manifestation and awakening psychic abilities. Portia is a mystical, inspirational, and powerful lady able to support and assist any spiritual evolution or development. Lady Portia is a member of the Board of Karma supporting soul’s in letting go of any karmic energies. She is an Ascended Master, Goddess, and powerful guide to your spiritual advancement.

Quan Yin also spelt Kuan Yin is a Goddess, Ascended Master, an embodiment of enlightenment and a compassionate mother to the entire world. Her energies and focus are very similar to Mother Mary, both embody love of the purest and awaken the energy of the Goddess within all. Quan Yin is connected to and integrated with Lord Buddha; she is the feminine aspect of his energy. Qaun Yin allocates much of her time to assist souls in resolving karmic issues as she is a member of the Board of Karma. She is the overseer or Chohan of the 11th Ray of Light of an orange and pink light focused upon enlightenment and embodiment of the soul. Compassion, grace, peace, acceptance, and healing are her greatest qualities.

The Rainbow Dolphins are pure white beings who extend from the energy of Pleiades. They existed in the ocean close to Lemuria during the Lemurian period. The Lemurians would often draw upon the wisdom and healing vibrations of the Rainbow Dolphins to support them, in fact it was their purpose of being present at that time. The Rainbow Dolphins emanates from their third eye chakra pure white light. As the pure white light passes through their third eye chakras, it is separated into a spectrum of rainbow colours which penetrate your auric field gradually moving into the core and essence of your being. Therefore they were labelled the Rainbow Dolphins.

Sai Baba is an Ascended Master and an Indian Spiritual Master. He has been a figure of enlightenment on the Earth and the inner planes.

Saint Germain is an Ascended Master and is titled the Mahachohan. More Information   

Master Sananda, whose higher aspect is Lord Maitreya.

Sanat Kumara previously held the role of Planetary Logos overseeing the Earth from the Planetary Level. In 1994 Lord Buddha replaced Sanat Kumara as Planetary Logos. Sanat Kumara is an advanced evolved Ascended Master who resonates deeply with the Planet of Venus. This signifies that his love is immensely pure and powerful. He existed upon the Earth with the purpose of creating balance, harmony, and love. Ascending from the Earth he allowed his love to remain. Now he moves through the higher aspects of the Creator’s Universe as well as visiting other areas beyond the Creator’s Universe. He is a fountain of knowledge and can create a powerful sense of expansion within your mind so that you may see beyond the illusions of the Earth. Sanat Kumara is one of the Seven Kumaras, sacred beings supporting the ascension of all.

Sar’h is the daughter of Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, she was born as a synthesis of her parents to retain the high vibrations all obtained and experienced in that lifetime upon the Earth. It was her purpose to continue the light and ascension achieved by her parents and to further activate the Christ Consciousness within humanity and the Earth. She is the Keeper of the Holy Grail Ascension Codes sharing them and activating them within you when you ask her to. Sar’h is a pure manifestation of Divine Innocence and can awaken your awareness of your own Divine Innocence. You can connect with Sar’h as a child or as an Ascended Master, however you will be overwhelmed by her adorable nature, powerful healing, and purity. She is a representative of the Christ Consciousness and Goddess vibrations.

Master Serapis Bey is the Chohan and Overseer of the 3rd Ray of Light represented by a yellow colour. The purpose of this ray is active intelligence, mental clarity, manifestation, discipline, in truth mastery of the mind and understanding energy. In past lifetimes on the Earth the master incarnated into the civilisations of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt at their most evolved stages, which equips him now in supporting his current work of manifesting the Creator’s qualities and especially the mind of the Creator onto the Earth.

Sirius is one of the pathways which leads us closer to unity with the Creator and discovering our inner truth. The Sirians are an evolved civilisation of beings living on a star in the constellation Canis Major, which is approximately 8.6 light years from the Earth. They are devoting much of their energy to assisting us on the Earth with our evolution and are an influential part of the training of souls before and after they have ascended from their physical body and the Earth.

Upon Sirius, there is a university which is attended by many Ascended Masters, souls from the Earth and throughout the Creator’s Universe. It is a vast training ground for souls wishing to access and experience their Ascended Master Consciousness as well as enlightenment. Advance Ascended Masters and Star Beings take on the role of teachers covering all forms of spiritual subjects, most beyond our imagination and yet we can all ask during meditation or sleep state to visit the university receiving wisdom to aid our spiritual growth upon the Earth. Master Kuthumi is one of the masters who is situated within the university.

The Sirians anchor the light of the Galactic Core and the Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek into their energy. The Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters is also in existence and can be visited, this is where many Ascended Masters are in residence.

There are six main levels of the Creator’s Universe which are represented by a colour of light and overseen by a being of light. Each overseer of these six levels is titled a Logos when we refer to them together, we entitle them Logoi. Each Logos oversees a level or expression of energy of the Creator which includes dimensions of the Creator’s Universe and communities of Ascended Masters, Light Beings and Star Beings, each are supporting the vibration of the Creator’s light and aiding integration for all with the Creator.

The Planetary Level is represented by a white colour and overseen by Lord Buddha, (previously by Sanat Kumara) this is the closest and most accessible level of the Creator’s energy to the Earth.

Then there is the Solar Level represented by a copper golden colour and overseen by Helios and Vesta.

The Galactic Level is represented by a silver golden colour and overseen by Melchior.

The Universal Level is represented by a golden colour and overseen by Lord Melchizedek.

The Multi- Universal Level is represented by a platinum colour and overseen by Archangel Metatron.

The Cosmic Level is represented by a translucent colour and overseen by Mahatma.

Then we have the core of the Creator, once we reach the Cosmic Level, we merge with the Creator so completely that no aspect of ourselves exists in separation.

Natalie has channeled a book explaining The Twelve Rays of Light – A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Master So Ma, works closely with Commander Ashtar the overseer of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters and descends from the star of Sirius. Master So Ma travels with Commander Ashtar aboard the Galactic Federation Star Ship supporting the ascension of all upon the Earth, allowing souls to move into and remember their Ascended Master consciousness and mastery.

Spiritual Plane Beings from the Inner Planes or Heavens describe the unseen levels of energy beyond the Earth’s physical and heavy vibrations, the dimensions and heavens of the Creator, the space in which the Ascended Masters, Angels and all light beings exist who are Spiritual Plane Beings.

Star Beings are beings of light who exist upon Arcturus, Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda and Venus or other stars and planets who wish to share their guidance, love and support with us.

Venus is the second planet from the sun named after the Goddess of Love and Beauty. The vibrations of Venus and its beings are of pure and unconditional love.

Sirius is one of the pathways which leads us closer to unity with the Creator and discovering our inner truth. The Sirians are an evolved civilisation of beings living on a star in the constellation Canis Major, which is approximately 8.6 light years from the Earth. They are devoting much of their energy to assisting us on the Earth with our evolution and are an influential part of the training of souls before and after they have ascended from their physical body and the Earth.

The Arcturians hold many advanced light technologies and tools to accelerate ascension.

The Andromedans are one of the most evolved civilisations working with the Earth at this time of Ascension, their civilisation is very large inhabiting the Andromeda Galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda. It is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light years away from the Earth. Their technology is far beyond anything we have experienced on the Earth as is their connection to the Creator.

Pleiadians exist on an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus; they are among the nearest star cluster to the Earth known as the seven sisters or the M45.

The Temple of Mercy exists upon the inner planes to assist with the strains and confusion that spiritual awakening can produce. The temple acts as a soothing sanctuary for all to visit in order to gain healing, wisdom, clarity and comfort as they travel along their spiritual journeys. It is a place of comfort, rest and reflection of inner growth and teachings. The temple is an up to date ashram where one can experience new light and love vibrations that may not always be present in other ashrams. It is a symbol of hope, a representation that humanity is now awakening at a fast speed and is accepting the truth of the Creator. You can find a space of your own within the great hall and simply soak up the energies and light that circulate and constantly flow throughout.

The essence, soul or spirit inhabiting a tree upon the Earth which can be connected and communicated with. They are souls in a similar way as we are, rather than embodying a human body they exist within a tree. Tree Spirit assists in anchoring the energies of the Creator into the Earth, they are powerful fountains of knowledge and wisdom as well as healers.

A being of pristine light of the same energy vibration as an Angel. Often seen as ascended horses, they hold a powerful ability to aid and teach manifestation as well as creating miracles in your reality. They are powerful healers holding the energy of purity. A Unicorn is often pure white with an energetic horn emerging from its third eye chakra. Many people have these sacred beings as their personal guides, simply ask and your unicorn will step forward to greet you.

The Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins are light forms of consciousness existing at a celestial level of the Creator’s Universe, they have a high vibration and often appear as pure white light. They are the most evolved vibrations of their consciousness. They work in similar ways to the Angelic Kingdom as messengers of the Creator’s light and yet they have powerful manifestation skills, the ability to awaken your third eye chakra and to bring clarity to all situations. Calling upon their energy to surround you in a blissful and uplifting experience.

Venusians are beings from the planet Venus which is the second planet from the sun named after the Goddess of Love and Beauty. The vibrations of Venus and its beings are of pure and unconditional love. Many Ascended Masters have strong connections with this planet such as Master Jesus and Lady Nada, this is because the planet is a powerful example of the absolute love of the Creator with all their teachings and existence focused upon the experience, expression and embodiment of love.

Lady Vessa Andromeda heralds from the Andromedan civilisation and is working as an overseer of the 10th Ray of Light of a pearlescent colour where she supports and guides souls in acceptance and soul integration. She is always present when your soul expands becoming a more truthful expression of the Creator. Call upon Lady Vessa Andromeda to support your further integration with your soul and your soul’s integration with all that is the Creator.

The Andromedans are one of the most evolved civilisations working with the Earth at this time of Ascension, their civilisation is very large inhabiting the Andromeda Galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda. It is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light years away from the Earth. Their technology is far beyond anything we have experienced on the Earth as is their connection to the Creator.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation was anchored into the Planetary Level of the Creator’s Universe by Master Saint Germain to support the cleansing, healing, and purification of humanity during Ascension. This Flame exists within all dimensions and levels of the Creator’s Universe as different expressions of itself, all with a similar purpose. Saint Germain anchored this sacred energy into the 7th Ray of Light Ashram for all to access and use. The flame is stored within a chamber within the 7th Ray Ashram and is currently overseen by Lady Portia, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst.

Vywamus is an Ascended Master having had many lifetimes upon the Earth and in other galaxies. He is an evolved being of light and is the higher aspect of Sanat Kumara who held the role of the Planetary Logos of the Planetary Level before Lord Buddha accepted the role. Vywamus is a deeply loving being with strong connection with the Planet Venus and the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe. His knowledge of beyond the Earthly reality is immense and inspirational, he can assist in moving beyond illusions and the general process of ascension, even ascension beyond the Earth and the inner planes.

The spirits of the Creator which exist in all forms of water upon the Earth especially nature. Similar to fairies or sprites, Water Spirits oversee the wellbeing of the water and ensure it raises in vibration in harmony with the Earth and all of humanity to support ascension. Water is a powerful purifier and amplifier of energy and so the guardians of the water also assist in amplifying water as well as lending its energy to empower other aspects of ascension and the Earth.