
The star of Arcturus is inhabited by an evolved civilisation named the Arcturians. They are known for their powerful and advanced Light Technology which they share with humanity to aid spiritual evolution, ascension, healing and deeper connection with the Creator. When you call upon the Arcturians, you can ask them to share with you their Light Technology to assist with a certain situation, to aid healing or advanced an aspect of your spiritual development. They will share the most appropriate Light Technology to serve your request.

If you work with technology on the Earth, you can ask the Arcturians to download their Light Technology into the technology or invite them to share inspiration as to how to develop technology to serve ascension.

You can visit the Arcturians in meditation asking to experience their Light Technology to heal certain ailments or advance your spiritual development.

An Arcturian, Anthena Arcturus, is the leader of a Star Ship that travels through the Creator’s Universe and oversees many developments on the Earth. Each member of her team upon her Star Ship has obtained Ascended Master Consciousness holding a purpose of aiding the ascension of souls upon the Earth. Anthena is known as a communicator, she assists in imparting valuable information from the Arcturians to those upon the Earth and throughout the Creator’s Universe. The Arcturians hold many advanced technologies and tools to accelerate ascension. She is also assigned to many souls as a personal guide.

You can call upon Anthena Arcturus to aid a deeper connection or understanding of the Arcturians, their wisdom and technology as well as accelerating your own ascension process.

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