Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azrael is known as the Archangel of Death; it is his purpose to support souls passing from the physical Earthly reality into the inner plane light reality as they leave their physical bodies. Archangel Azrael can be called upon to support any soul who is moving through the death process, so that this transition may be made with ease and perfection.

The Archangel can support you in removing fears concerning death as well as supporting an energetic death, release or surrendering within your being of old or unneeded energies to promote expansion and healing. When we complete cycles of any kind this offers to us a greater experience of expansion, freedom, and unison with the Creator. Archangel Azrael also supports in dissolving all forms of darkness within or around your being, bringing forth greater volumes of light and love to be experienced and embodied.

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