Greetings beloved beings of love and light, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence, to continue this journey we are embarking upon. We are accepting the ascension process, that is now, of manifesting.
Every being on the inner planes is now talking about manifesting. It is the divine timing. It is the divine space in ascension. It is the next step of your ascension process, and with this process of manifesting, so will come a very deep and profound enlightenment process which many may already be experiencing.
With the manifestation process and the releasing, healing and the understanding that is gained from you manifesting whatever it is you feel in your heart to manifest, this will create a very divine and powerful download of enlightenment that will create a very powerful shift in your perspective and even in the way that you live your reality.
It is essential to accept this process of manifestation; this spiritual growth process. It doesn’t matter whether your dreams and desires are small or whether they are large and feel impossible – the outcome will be the same.
The outcome will be that you will manifest your dream, small or large. The outcome will be that you will know, within your heart and your being, the steps to manifestation. The outcome will be that you will move to a new dimension, within your being, that allows for greater enlightenment and greater connection with the Creator, your soul/soul group/guides, therefore accelerating and boosting your ascension process.
It is my purpose, Master Kuthumi, to share with you ideas that support you in manifesting; manifesting what you wish to manifest.
Everyone has a unique pathway and something unique that they are manifesting. If you have been manifesting it for a while, know that it will now come into fruition; everything is aligned for it to come into fruition. Of course there are steps that you must take in order to be open and receptive to receive.
Today I wish to speak about your personal keys that support you in manifesting. I encourage you to acknowledge and explore your sacred skills.
What are you good at?
What sacred skills do you have?
Do you have a very powerful and intense intuition?
Are you able to bring healing energies?
Are you able to listen so that another person feels heard and healed?
Are you able to teach?
Are you able to align yourself and truly feel connected?
There are so many different skills. Even if you feel that you do not have a spiritual skill, know that you have many, and this is the time to explore those skills because your manifestation will come forth through those skills that you have. It’s almost as if you now have to work out, discover and confirm the tools that you have for manifesting your dreams and your desires.
For example, if you have a strong intuition, then your manifestation will come through your intuition. If you have a strong ability for healing, or sharing healing energy, it is that your manifestation will come through that, in some way, and that you can use that sending healing energy to support your manifestation and grounding.
Maybe you’re a good listener and you can use that. Listen to what the universe is telling you about your manifestation; where you need to go, or what you need to do.
There are so many skills and abilities and it’s time to put those into practice to support the manifestation of that which will offer to you, not only what you wish, but also a greater source of enlightenment.
You also have, as keys to manifesting, qualities with which you are deeply aligned; qualities that are present in your soul, and they flow through your being.
What do people say to you?
Do they say that you’re so kind, or you’re so energised, or you’re so positive? Maybe they say you’ve got so much energy. Whatever people say about you, and also what you say about yourself. Maybe you say that you are deeply compassionate, or you are deeply loving, or you enjoy caring for and nurturing others.
What are the qualities that are your soul?
It’s these qualities with which you now need to surround yourself. They become your battery for manifesting.
Maybe you are peaceful. Maybe you are positive. Maybe you are loving and maybe you are kind. Draw these energies from your soul and have them flowing throughout your being, your body, into your auric field and into your surroundings. Become an energised beacon of these qualities.
Ask your soul/guides to energise and amplify these qualities so that you are embodying these sacred qualities with which you are so aligned; that are actually your truth. Allow these sacred qualities to really be held in your cells and even in your mind and your heart. Think of them often. Radiate them outwards. Breathe them in and breathe them out. Create almost like a battery of energy.
This energy and these qualities will be used to magnify your manifestation – to boost your manifestation and anchor it – and when the manifestation occurs in your reality, you will recognise it because it will hold the same keys; the same qualities with which you manifested or you embodied.
You also are acting as a magnet because not only are you drawing to you your manifestation that is of the same qualities, but you are drawing other wonderful things to you that are of the same qualities…of love, peace…whatever your qualities are. Your reality, your being, your perspectives…everything about your world…becomes those qualities. It makes it so much easier to manifest, receive and recognise your station.
So, you have your skills that you already embody, and you have your qualities that are so personal to you; such a personal synthesis of qualities that creates a battery of energy. You can pour that energy into your manifestation, into your actions, into your thoughts, and when you think of your manifestation.
Another personal key that you have is your mind, and your ability to visualise; to think of, and to almost daydream, or to feel as well. One thing that I encourage you to think of is to imagine yourself in the future. Imagine that you already have what you wish/dream/desire. Also imagine that you are sharing it with other people, because the Creator’s energy is all about connection and oneness.
When you focus on a manifestation and you’re sharing it with others, then it will manifest with greater ease. For example, maybe you are trying to manifest good health or abundance. You might visualise yourself, in the future, with complete health…the health that you wish, or the abundance that you wish…whatever it is that you wish.
Then you imagine that your friends are with you, or your family members, or maybe even new friends, and you’re enjoying the process of talking to them; sharing. Maybe you are sharing how you achieved your radiant health. Maybe you are sharing the abundance. This is filling the people around you with so much joy/happiness/fulfillment and this also really manifests it into your reality.
You can see that they will then go off and share it with their family and their friends, and you can see how anchored and how big and expansive the energy is becoming. Also, when you create this vision in your mind, it goes into your sub-conscious mind and you begin to live from that vision. It also expands your entire mind, filling your mind with such wonderful and beautiful qualities. It’s a real key and a skill that you have, that you can embody and use in your reality.
Another key that I wish to share with you is your grounding; your connection with Mother Earth. You have this unique bond with Mother Earth. It’s almost like the umbilical cord that you have when you are born. You have an umbilical cord…an energetic one…connected to Mother Earth’s essence; her truth. When you recognise this, and you use it, you are actually anchoring yourself and therefore you can anchor your manifestation deep into Mother Earth’s energy.
Mother Earth is all about manifestation because she is the divine being of light existing in the physical reality. She is in the flow of manifestation and so it’s amazing. You can almost imagine, from your own tummy button, or from your heart, this umbilical cord; this cord that connects you to Mother Earth’s very essence.
You can travel down that cord, into Mother Earth’s essence, with your manifestation and gift it to Mother Earth. This will be recognised as a supreme downloading and anchoring of your manifestation. Then you can allow the synthesised energies and the energy with which Mother Earth is supporting you, to flow up through the umbilical cord, back into your being to nurture and nourish you.
It continues to nurture and nourish you throughout your existence. You can realise that you can gain such beautiful earthly energies. It will also shift your perspective. Maybe you see the Earth as a hard, challenging place. When you recognise Mother Earth’s energy and your connection through the umbilical cord that you have energetically with Mother Earth, you allow yourself to be nurtured and nourished, almost like a baby in the womb; you are in the womb of Mother Earth and everything that you think and everything you create is also nurtured and nourished.
So these are some of your personal keys to manifesting; things that you can use that are personal to you that you can use to boost, energise and nourish your manifestation.
I thank you.