The Violet Flame of Transmutation: A Divine Tool for Healing and Ascension

The Violet Flame of Transmutation: A Divine Tool for Healing and Ascension

The Violet Flame of Transmutation is a powerful spiritual energy gifted to humanity to assist in the cleansing, healing, and purification of the soul. It was anchored into the Planetary Level of the Creator’s Universe by Master Saint Germain, one of the great Ascended Masters, to support the process of Ascension and transformation.

The Violet Flame is not just a metaphor or symbolic energy; it is a living consciousness of divine light that exists within all dimensions and levels of the Creator’s Universe. It holds the frequency of divine alchemy, allowing any dense, negative, or lower vibrational energy to be transmuted into pure love and light.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation: A Divine Tool for Healing and Ascension

The Origins and Purpose of the Violet Flame

Master Saint Germain brought the Violet Flame to humanity as a gift of spiritual liberation, ensuring that all who call upon it can experience deep soul purification, energetic renewal, and accelerated spiritual growth. This sacred flame is stored within the 7th Ray of Light Ashram, a vast spiritual retreat on the inner planes dedicated to transformation and enlightenment.

The 7th Ray of Light, of which the Violet Flame is a key aspect, radiates divine alchemy, spiritual transformation, and sacred magic. Through this powerful light frequency, individuals can release karmic imprints, past-life traumas, negative emotions, and blockages, paving the way for higher consciousness, inner peace, and divine empowerment.

The Keepers of the Violet Flame

While Saint Germain was responsible for anchoring the Violet Flame into the Planetary Level, its sacred energy is now overseen and protected by three divine beings:

  • Lady Portia – The Chohan (Overseer) of the 7th Ray of Light, she assists with divine justice, balance, and karmic resolution.
  • Archangel Zadkiel – The angel of mercy and forgiveness, he supports souls in clearing past burdens and embracing spiritual freedom.
  • Archangel Amethyst – Zadkiel’s divine feminine counterpart, she aids in deep soul healing, awakening higher intuition, and anchoring divine transformation.

Together, these guardians of the Violet Flame ensure that this sacred energy remains available to all who seek spiritual growth and healing.

How to Use the Violet Flame for Healing and Transformation

The Violet Flame is available to everyone, and it can be accessed through intention, visualization, and invocation. Here’s how you can work with it:

Invoke the Flame: Call upon Saint Germain, Lady Portia, or the Archangels to activate the Violet Flame within and around you.

Visualize the Violet Fire: Imagine a brilliant violet flame surrounding your body, dissolving all negative energy, blockages, and past burdens.

Use Affirmations or Mantras:

  • “I AM the Violet Flame of transformation and healing.”
  • “The Violet Flame purifies and uplifts my entire being.”

Apply it to Situations or Relationships: You can direct the Violet Flame toward healing emotional wounds, past karma, or conflicts in your life.

Meditate Within the 7th Ray Ashram: In deep meditation, you can visit the spiritual chamber where the Violet Flame is stored, allowing its radiant energy to uplift and guide you.

The Violet Flame in the Current Era of Ascension

The Violet Flame is more powerful than ever, assisting humanity in this new era of spiritual awakening. As the world shifts into higher consciousness, the transmutation of old energies is essential for both individual and collective ascension.

By embracing the Violet Flame, you can:
🌟 Release emotional and energetic burdens
🌟 Heal past-life and karmic imprints
🌟 Strengthen your connection to higher wisdom
🌟 Raise your vibration and frequency
🌟 Accelerate spiritual growth and inner peace

The more people who work with the Violet Flame, the greater the planetary transformation. It is a tool not just for personal ascension but for collective healing and the evolution of consciousness.

Embracing the Violet Flame Within

The Violet Flame of Transmutation is a gift of divine alchemy, one that allows us to clear away the old and welcome the new. Whether you seek healing, renewal, or deeper spiritual awakening, the Violet Flame is an ever-present source of divine transformation.

By working with this sacred fire, you become a vessel of higher light, love, and purity, allowing the energy of Ascension to flow effortlessly through your being and into the world.

Video Collection for the Violet Flame

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