The Celestial White Beings exist within the vibration of the Multi-Universal and Cosmic level of the Creator. They wish to align you with the quick vibrations of the Creator and the wisdom that can be accessed. They have been sharing their energy and consciousness since the creation of the Earth and wish to envelope all in love.
Their greatest goal is to assist each soul in accessing their inner vibration of bliss as this allows for true Creator integration. Their presence was very strong at the time of Atlantis where they held a healing temple devoted to spiritual growth and awakening. Due to their high vibrational frequency and love for humanity they are known as powerful healers. These pure beings are Natalie Glasson‘s soul group and she is existing on the Earth at this time as a representative of their energy.
You can read the story of the Celestial White Beings during the time of Atlantis in Natalie’s book: White Beacons of Atlantis